Ajanta Paul's Poems

Teesta Review: A Journal of Poetry, Volume 2, Number 1. May 2019. ISSN: 2581-7094

Algorithms of Assonance

We spun like atoms
In the blond tresses
 Of slanting sunbeams
As they rippled over half the world
Scattering their glinting graces
In the careless profusion
Of cosmic dyes.
What brought us together
In time and space
In that spot between the eyes,
In the hallowed here and now?
Sharing a tight-lipped smile,
The raised eyebrow,
Shaking history's hand
In memory's murmured greetings
And answering fate's how do you do…
In the twilight zone of no man's land.
Were we in that moment's meeting
Waltzing motes thrown up
By preordained plan or random chance,
Or by the algorithms of assonance?


The monotonous whirr
Of the ceiling fan
Above the bed
 Smelt of fever
Circulating in the darkened room,
Slackened currents of that feeling
Of not being able to get up,
The dizzying sense
Of a floating apartness,
Between mind and body
And self and others,
As the world went its way.
Suddenly you are more aware
Of the voices around you.
The timbre and tone
Of everyday sounds
Doing the rounds
Acquire a new meaning
In a conspiracy of the far and near.
Bird chirp and cheep
In furious squeak
Beyond one's window bespeak
An avian colloquy,
Never really noticed before.
The ice-cream vendor's shouted cry,
The groan and grunt of vehicles
Far from spry,
Dialogues of a city
In a decadent dramaturgy
Impinge on the melting tarmac
Of a hot, tossing mind,
Memory's viscous, spongy rind.
The smell of medicines
And fever warmed metabolism
Meanwhile, invade the nostrils
In the predatory foray
Of a beast rampaging
Through a weakened system
Lying at its mercy.

Crescent Smile

It was one of those rare photographs
Where she was smiling.
It was a thin sliver of a smile
That hung from her lips
Like a crescent moon,
Wan and white, with its horn tips
Curving inwards, irradiating
The dark sky of her face,
That was full of misgivings
At this thing called living.


The ribbon of road,
Unravelling before me
In misty metonymy,
Holds secrets untold
Felt in the blood.
The smell of tar,
Acrid, black, molten flood
Of poignant pungency
In me swells
Fills my veins,
Like burning molasses,
And in my cells releases
Olfactory associations
That take me far,
Far back in the spool of time.
Where in its coiled entrails lie
The rudiments of rhyme,
Waiting to spring
Into poetry
With alacrity.
That slight nip in the air,
Strangely familiar
At this time of the year
Lingers somewhere
In memory's lair
A mystical essence
Wafting pine fragrance
From altitudes above
Into the dawn's cold alcove
Where all journeys start,
And loved ones depart.
The ribbon of road before me,
Freckled with shadows
Greening into foliage
And split with birdsong
Before long
Answers to some call
In my being, primal,
And returns to haunt me,
Again and again
Like the notes
Of a strain elusive
That refuses to live
Or die
But tantalizingly resonates
In the singing bowl
Of the soul.