Kim Shuck's Poems

Teesta Review: A Journal of Poetry, Volume 2, Number 2. November 2019. ISSN: 2581-7094

Borrowed Wildfire
Smoke borrowed
Screaming microwave alarms and
Next door the
Unregulated metronome of
Draining water in a
PVC pipe this silk the
Color of bruised berries this
Forest green the variegated
Grey of cloud cover still isn't a
Ceremonial dress and the
Skyshard off to the east so
Like something I have found on the
Beach a blue that clots in my
Throat the clear red of
Warning lights and
Supermarket signs today I
Want to sing a song of
Remembering my real name a
Song that doesn’t jump at thunder of
Fire quenched in water or
Fire that
Knows not to take houses
Houses that
Must continue to stand

We wanted Catfish and Wild Garlic

Together in silence a
Ripples across the
Cave-in pond who knows
What noun will hit on the
Bait a
Modified verb grabbed clean
From a nearby leaf and the
Locusts sing our
Deep hopes back to us
Unrecognizable we wanted so
Little so little we
Wanted catfish and
Wild garlic wanted to
Feed these mad and
Beating creation songs near the
Rivers eye a
Place between worlds right down
Near the front of the stage

More River Song

I grew up watching you
Dance the river
Give your precise self the one not
Touched by your misunderstood
Disease and the
Voice that you learned there and I my
Crayons and paper a
Storm pulling me to the river too and those old
Mountain spirits and underground
Beings guardians of roots and
Uncut stone I
Grew watching you
Letting the river take everything from the
Center outward with that
Lessoned voice and your need for things that are
Poison to you and we can say that you
Rode out your own need for the invented dark
Became your own cure your
Disease and send your best self
Into the river I have
Stood bare to my thighs in that water and with my
Very own voice we sing together