Roula Pollard's Poems

Teesta Review: A Journal of Poetry, Volume 1, Number 1. May 2018. ISSN: 2581-7094

Finding You, Like a River

                                                             --- Roula Pollard

How do I learn a man’s heart? Been a mystery
even knowledge of all time does not teach me
your heart’s route. But now, I glimpse at your eyes, senses,
and you, continents away. I touch your soul like in a miracle,
I sense angels, saints, natives, ancestors, centuries of hope,
around you. Flow like intuition, makes you familiar in my heart.  
Not accidentally, we root together like one tree withstanding
all love’s drought in our century. Tell me, where is your home spring?

My man-river you are different,
like a flower inside the sea of my heart,
heavenly like a river’s love flow in my soul.
I discovered in the past many lost men, like dried rivers
in the deserted plains of Africa, in other continents. But you,
 I recognized you perhaps by advanced divine knowledge, by His Grace.
You are an ancient, new river of love’s life, like clear water, like prayer 

You, flower near the sea, my heavenly man-river
what strong instinct, what celebration to know you exist
among the muddy waters of history. The slow paces of mankind
may never discover your home of blessings, your roof of courage,
the depth of your heart. My man-river, you cohabit in my life’s water,
mature, lying by a palm tree forest of divine abundance
my lover – river, your roots mark a blue  heart line
on my  sand and pebbles, my pink soil alive feels
opening moons. My man-river-lover, blue like
an ancient fertile river, just a breath line
separates you from the inner water
of my heart

All Rivers End in Love 
                                                --- Roula Pollard

You, my flow
flow in joint rhythm
of life’s flow, life energy
harmony of love enclosed and open
my lover river, my-our flood of sadness
mud, my-our-celebration of pure bio-energy
I-you flow in me merges of hope and endurance

You travel me to new oceans of passion
kiss in all weathers, storms, moons and suns
I-land-earth-water, all tears of the past disappear
in you. I-land-earth flow of love-you in me, you flow
and independent, through my land of new centuries

Reflections of the moon, I on your surface
earth power alternates my body’s soil with your water of
formidable strength, and the sky unaffected absorbs my tears
in the tears of the universe. No more tears to shed in you, my river
of affluence, love, fertility

Love embraces me-our universe, centuries of passion, our shared history
through different, same current of togetherness and unexpected departures
widen your delta, the same sane life of love, same love song mixes pilgrimages
I am your blood of mine
my river of happiness man, river of affection, hope
flow your overflow on me, blending as oneness
one breath, my river-lover-man love