Chandana Rajbanshi's Poems

Teesta Review: A Journal of Poetry, Volume 3, Number 1. May 2020. ISSN: 2581-7094

Floating Life
                             ---Chandana Rajbanshi 

We are in the ocean of time
So digging the earth for root,
With spade or pen to make rhyme
For food or perpetual peaceful mood.

Life like a bee of the blooming flower
One is provider and the other receiver of treasure,
There is neither inner strife nor political power
What is called reciprocal requirement and pleasure.

Like every arrow of the archery bow
We all came from the same source,
Though everyone is different from then to now
Despite defects and difference we overcome all remorse.

Life flows like a fountain among the mountain
To melt with the fair and foul of the undefiled sea,
There’s nothing in between to sustain
Close eyes to see the celestial key.

Life like a shadow of the sky upon water
To mirror the paradise on the earth,
Nature endeavours the satanic souls to shatter
Or sow a seed of unity for angelic birth.

Poor Pillar

                              --- Chandana Rajbanshi 

A child asks to mother, pillar! pillar! why are you poor?
You will be rich, no poor any more.
Why do you sacrifice your entire life in chain?
You will never be the same again.
Why do you serve others every day and night?
You should be aware and must do fight.
You have dreams to reach at the top,
But neither you take money nor do any job.
You are designed to love the others,
When strangers become your parents and brothers.
You care all from dawn to dusk,
Hiding your ambition by wearing the mask.
How many days you will remain silent?
Look at the people who are always violent.
Pull off your shell to show hidden self,
Let’s the world recognise you with respect and pelf.

Mother replies to her child with affection,
Dear soul, listen to me in adorable attention.
I am a tree on the whole earth,
Money can not waver it’s valuable birth.
They may cut branches, unroot my rooted nightmare,
Like river I grow through torture and flooded tear.
My love and devotion is so deep like root,
To provide you shelter along with fruit.
Birth and death is same like sea and river,
It flows towards conjunction of God’s favour.