Amit Shankar Saha's Poems

Teesta Review: A Journal of Poetry, Volume 3, Number 1. May 2020. ISSN: 2581-7094


Our talk will depend
on the sighting of the moon,
a cradle in the sky
where our words will croon.

Will Eid be soon
or will there be a delay?
Will we forget differences
in this month of May?

Or even before the birth
we will blight the boon,
and butcher it into
my moon, your moon?


Within our skin
pigments of imagination
build dense settlements.

Outside our skin
a climate of discrimination
breeds islands of discontent.

You say we have
blood in our hands
if we do not stake our claim.

And every night
the bloody earth
hides half its face in shame.

And every now
a moment lost
if the race is not run.

And every now
a dream deferred
like a raisin in the sun.