Poem 1 (6.1)


Teesta Review: A Journal of Poetry, Volume 6, Number 1. May 2023. ISSN: 2581-7094


-- Alshaad Kara

Let the fury engulf
The four walls we live in,

It shall echo the
Treacherous treatment
We suffer
How broken
We all are.

This household is devoid
Of peace and calm,
That for a very long time

Since we let our anger
Be the only feeling
Of reciprocity.



Mental Sanity

-- Alshaad Kara

It distorts my mental health,
Cracking me to scar myself
With scales of being scared.

I only have an anxiety
That keeps beating
Like fear has submerged me
Into an intoxicating drug.

This leaves me with
No difference.

As my only solitude,
Is when my overthinking mind
Goes far away
Disrupting my inner peace,
From my one and only life.
