Poem 9 (6.1)


Teesta Review: A Journal of Poetry, Volume 6, Number 1. May 2023. ISSN: 2581-7094

Reflections on Peace

--- Maitreyee B Chowdhury

Early dusk in Bhopal, April 2015
A young boy stood in the middle of the Taj-ul-masajid,
covered his ears and began a song.
Was it a protest,
a call to prayer,
or all of us bleeding together?
Nothing moved, especially not silence-
just a young boy

who sang,
for all those who passed away, song-less.

Seven in the morning,
at the base of the Arunachala mountain in Tiruvannamalai, Ramanashram-
A monk stood with seeds in his hands, looking skywards.
A peacock cried out,
a sudden cloud of colour flapped its wings-

the bird descended  
and gently ate what was offered.
The trust of an animal, so precious.

Only moments are peaceful, and everything but a reflection of it.
