Poetry - Arpan Dasgupta

 Teesta Review: A Journal of Poetry, Volume 5, Number 1. May 2022. ISSN: 2581-7094

Coo and Haiku on Endangered Species

Arpan Dasgupta

Image courtesy: nytimes.com


The rarest mammal

Sad tale of by-catch victim

Mexican Porpoise

(Mexican Porpoise is another name
for an exceptionally rare marine species, named Vaquita


Spotted thick white fur

Transfigured into fur coats

The Far East Leopard

(Far East Leopard is a Russian species
of leopard known as the Amur Leopard


Wings of justice

Disappearing eggs

It’s bare survival

(The Condor bird is a symbol for justice)


Harbinger of Apocalypse


Heralds of Endgame

Ruthless acts of gluttony

Civilized humans


True Face of Mankind


Rivers of blood, two-legged destroyer

Vilest species, cause of carnage and fear.

Ruthless humans, foes of creator;

Engineers of extinction and fear.

Merciless assassin, prowling with gear;

Greedy man, harbinger of chaos and fear.

Barbarous poacher, strikes with filthy spear;

Hearts of iron, needless destruction and fear.

Final warning, O cruel destructor!

Nature’s vengeance shall spread sheer pain and fear.

Right your wrongs, protect our Earth, is that clear?

Preserve all life, stop pollution and fear.
