Poetry - Pankajam Kottarath

 Teesta Review: A Journal of Poetry, Volume 5, Number 1. May 2022. ISSN: 2581-7094

We are at your Mercy

Pankajam Kottarath

Image courtesy: pinterest.de

We animals don’t have religion, defenseless is our curse.

Neither we need weapons, nor initiate wars, yet we are victims.

We never attack our comrades, except when we are dying of hunger;

In jungles there is harmony; humans have forgot humanism.

We canines do stray, no shelters to hide and go to places in search of food.

Eat or starve, we don’t hurt anyone, only for your mercy we plead.

What pleasure you derive in stoning us? See our tails wagging in fear. 

What’s our crime? Don’t we have rights to exist on this earth?

Oh men, please don’t hurt us; we too have families and children to raise,

Hearts and feelings too; sad to see our buddies tortured, yet helpless we remain.  

Chains around our neck too heavy to tolerate, but we can’t voice out our wrath.

Be our saviors, and we’ll pay it back serving you sincerely till our last breath.

Rituals or research, nose ringing, wing clipping, castration and live plucking

Force feeding, debeaking and dehorning, the list is awful, my heart weeps silent.

Donkeys carry loads heavy, still starve to death; where’s your conscience?

Oh men, tortures many we mutely suffer. Speak for us, as we can’t, won’t you?

Don’t you hear the yells of the caged parrots missing their mates and friends?

Horses in races suffer heavy lashes; same with bulls and buffalos pulling carts. 

Slaughter houses are places of extreme cruelty, abuse, neglect and violence.

Build them with glass walls to promote veganism, each life is precious, love them.
