Puja Rai's Poem

Teesta Review: A Journal of Poetry, Volume 4, Number 1. May 2021. ISSN: 2581-7094


---Puja Rai


Perhaps it's because she did not speak,

Except when the wind blew

Still primitive and naked,

Except her arms were covered with some necessary green leaves;

Never walked the man-made roads,

But she had travelled and reached the earth's womb,

She spoke not with us

But with the ear and the atmosphere

In a language we really could never decipher.


And then one fine day, she was found guilty

Of parenting various other species

An illegitimate mother, an illegal home;

A land occupied, a punishable crime.


Everyone gathered around her,

But neither did she understand the curse words,

Nor did she understand the pan - smudged spits  around her...

The purification, the examination.

Sita had failed once again...


A sacrificial pyre,

A profitable choir

Another tombstone, another wonder

Another skyscraper,

To occupy the shame and sin of humanity

Another boundary

Separating humans from nature

Another history

Another legacy…