Deepa Agarwal's Poem

Teesta Review: A Journal of Poetry, Volume 1, Number 1. May 2018. ISSN: 2581-7094

This River

No boats ply on this river
whether to ferry people or rescue them.
Never have and never will
only the flimsy boat of memory
skids over the rocks on which we perched once.

This river…how we raced through the dim forest
to reach it, eager feet unconscious of the miles
we traversed to gaze upon the indolent flow
that embraced the smoothness of once jagged stones
it had been patiently polishing to the roundness
of a mother’s fecund breast, for centuries perhaps.

This river…how dreamy the afternoons we spent
lounging on its rocky shores
its waters massaging our feet.

Only once we exclaimed
at the relentless greed of the millstream
that seized my small brother’s toy crocodile
and swept it away to some unknown destination.

This river took what it wanted.
It had never nurtured a crocodile
in its depths, only insidious, invisible whirlpools
that turned a father’s beard white
drove him from the town
when he could no longer bear to drink
the waters gushing from his taps,
waters tainted with his son’s dying breath
the same waters that lured a boy
into their deadly embrace when an afternoon’s sport
became fatal indulgence.

This whimsical river of my childhood.