Debolina Biswas' Poem

Teesta Review: A Journal of Poetry, Volume 3, Number 1. May 2020. ISSN: 2581-7094


The state of limbo has broken,
Now they are everywhere
Some people call them warriors of the Great Mother
Some call them Devil’s legislators,
They are aliens to us but not to this primordial earth.
No more candles, no more lamps,
No more marchings, no more protests;
Silence, silence-  a gloomy silence everywhere
Silence is consuming us in an unprecedented manner
Sometimes doubt wins and faith  loses the battle
In that same strange ancient game;
Streets are empty and machines are off
Though hunger is still walking into those empty stomachs
No more Hindus, no more Christians
No more Muslims, no more religions
Everyone has left, abruptly
We have halted
We have stopped
Taking preparation to open a new door
Either a door towards a better world
Or a door towards doom- to a hellish world.
Now we all exist under the blue sky
Now we know who we are
We all live in the same mesh
We all are humans of this earth
The boundaries of religion and concrete walls have fallen
Eventually a virus has made us one.