Vineeta Agarwal's Poems

 Teesta Review: A Journal of Poetry, Volume 4, Number 2. November 2021. ISSN: 2581-7094

The City as Muse


 --- Vinita Agarwal


1. Bikaner


I can’t write about Bikaner

without feeling the sand

climbing my fingers


Can’t utter its name

without tasting

the panna made in Amma’s flour kitchen


Can’t forget the scent of ripe musk melons

water walking on terracotta feet towards me

camphor in the rajais


Can’t see it without

pagan pigeons fluttering in at dawn

skies cracking like a parchment flicked open


Bikaner, a birthmark

on the body of my life

If I am marble, it is the visible vein


Women, their heads guillotined

in pallus and dupattas,

their fingers on my pulse


zero-watt evenings

the heart scraped to belong

belonging is also lonely


No, you’ll never take Bikaner out of me.

Its already knee-deep

in my love letters




2. Anand


Where I kept to myself

but belonged to everyone


where the verdant rolling hills of the campus

placed birds on my shoulders, squirrels at my feet


where dried up trees looked like rivers

& dry eucalyptus leaves, spoke more dead than alive


where I played mother to my mother

where I discovered that daughters were bridges between generations


where I made a bonfire of old letters & gifts

now that I was getting married


where I needed the stars to count my inadequacies

and fingertips to count my strengths


where a house grew on me like a wound

where leaving it behind felt like a final breath


where a town swung into me

where it stayed and stayed.




3. Indore


as many stones as flowers.


I made a man of you

you cotton boy, now tough jute


a grain sprouting the first two shoots

trees can look after themselves


how we ached for our tears to mingle

how we cried away from each other


‘mother’ is six alphabets of rawness

flinching on a salt clothesline


distance arrives with a whole lot of goodness

but the tyres burn every inch of the way


the four o’ clock tea

a sip of the poignancy of solitude



sparkles wherever it falls


diamonds mined from thick grey clouds

a duet of sun and water


loss and gain in turns

the way a city dealt its hand


the way I clutched the dice

the way I waited for years to pass