Laura Brinson's Poems

 Teesta Review: A Journal of Poetry, Volume 4, Number 1. May 2021. ISSN: 2581-7094

Aunty with the cold hands

--- Laura Brinson


my Aunty with the cold hands

Aunty in name only

I barely remember her face

but those hands

crooked joints, square blunt nails

nicotine stained


the shock of cold fingers

on my pillowy pink arm

as Aunty shepherds us past Bluey


Bluey, old and rusty as the fly-wire door

that snaps shut behind us

Singed by bushfire

Aunty says


singed rusty red like the old couch

with its old couch smell

rusty red like sediment in the water jug

its lace covering an octopus

long white tentacles, blue glass suckers


forgotten cigarettes

stand upright on side benches and tables

tiny smoking chimney stacks

towers of white ash

smokes in an ashtray could start a bushfire.

Aunty says


Aunty has a husband

we don’t call him uncle

mostly he works in the cow shed

but sometimes

we hear the creak and sigh of floorboards

in the front room


my sibling and me, we turn our noses up

at an unfamiliar dinner

mashed veg and pork chops, singed

More for Garbage Guts

Bluey the dog or Jack in the cow shed?

Both unaccustomed to children Aunty says


a fat slice of blackberry pie

my fingers still stained from picking

the purple black fruit

now sugar dusted

juice runs down my sleeve


we watch television


sleep head to toe in a single bed

bush block silence keeps us awake

we make up ghost stories

that always include an icy touch


just as Aunty foretold

they lost the farm in ‘62

when bushfires swept through


The clever design of small things

--- Laura Brinson


a smooth mushroom-shape

pitted and nicked

darkened with age

snugly slips into toe or heel

needles neatly stowed

in the hollowed stem


a wood-turner, likely a man,

worked this scrap of fruit wood

its close, swirling grain

and crafted an essential household tool


but the dark patina of constant handling

came from women before me

I weave the long needle in and out

maintaining an even tension


when I lay aside

my darning mushroom

will someone else take up the task

or will it end its days a collector’s item